Joana Cerejo - Product Designer, User Researcher, UX, AI Interactive Designer

I'm Joana Cerejo, a Product Designer & User Researcher passionate about AI/ML, tech, futures & the human experience.

I'm Joana Cerejo, an Experience Designer Lead at Emergn fascinated by Digital Design and the Human Experience.

I like to think of myself as a creative technologist because I have spent most of my career at the intersection of design, technology, and business.

How to move from a fill-to-all experience to a hyper-personalized one? With the support of Artificial Intelligence, we shift from the concept of Progress to Proficiency to provide an unique learning path to each student.

Becker CPA, Bringing AI to eLearning
Becker CPA, Homepage Redesign

Since its foundation, Becker's CPA exam review application had received very few homepage alterations. Accordingly, it became very outdated and not user-focused. Time was pressing for a radical new homepage redesign that enhanced user engagement and tailoring the learning experience to the individual student's needs.


How can businesses imagine
and create Better Experiences?

In an ever-evolving digital world, businesses and people are the most unpredictable variables. I help organizations to equip themselves with rapid methods and tools to keep up with fast and evolving markets to build solutions that empower and enable their user and their teams for a sustained digital transformation process. I am able to bring together Design + Product Management + Technology to pursue better experiences.

UX Consultancy

I can help you to establish UX strategies that link product vision, brand and business objectives with real user needs. Focused on the lasted technology developments and design interaction principles.

User Research

I can help you with building your next disruptive feature. I can build ideas that create new value by understanding user needs, behaviours, mindset and motivators.

UX Auditing

I can help you peel back the assumptions and get a clear picture of what works, what doesn't, and why, to leverage you current user experience.

Training & Workshops

I have a large experience in training teams and individuals. I can empower your team to make better products and services.

UX Consultancy

60-min slot session
UX Consultancy can be subdivide into three main areas:
UX Strategy
UX research
UX Design

If you are starting up and need some insights, or if you're finding some difficulties setting your product/brand strategy, or if you need to make sure that you are outputting quality designs, you can use a few hours of consultancy life or remotely.

Sketch Library Files

I created a series of libraries to boost your creativity. Thus, you don't have to worry about technical assembling symbols and losing hours to name all the symbols properly.

Qualitative Analysis - Survey & Thematic Analysis

To support the research of the case study Design for Learning - AI Research ProblemI conduct some qualitative analysis to support design and product decisions.
Fudish APP
JTBD + Design
Jobs to be Done (JTBD) and Design Case Study
An app for foodie People based on Jobs to be done methodology.

I used JTBD to uncover people's motivations to use food apps. This method helped me to unearth the real frustrations that users faced when using other generic food applications.

Design for Healthcare- App Redesign

The application already existed and was already developed.
This was just a visual and usability enhancement project.
I am happy been a UX Designer because I can:
  • Build empathy and understand how people think and behave;
  • Learn and explore new technologies, e.g. Artificial Intelligence;
  • Have an eye for details. I am a very organized and methodic person;
  • Breakdown and present complex ideas and concepts. I can do it to different people, because I have a background in Design, Business and in Technology;
  • Enjoy explain things to anyone who wants to learn more about my field;
  • Explore solving complex problems and play with data;
  • Learn by myself and try out new things every day;
  • Have the opportunity to collaborate with many different people;
And above all, because I am curious and passion for this field and for what I do!
I'm a very determinate person. I always knew what I want and where I want to be. However, in Porto (my hometown), at least at the time (in mid-2006) there wasn't any curriculum or degree in fields such as Human-Computer Interaction or Human-centered Design. And I hadn't financial structure to go study outside. So, I had to come up with a plan B.

In 2006, after high school, I decided to study Graphic Design, as a means to an end. I thought that by taking Graphic Design I would learn how to communicate visually my ideas; And most importantly, I could do almost an ethnographic field study. By being nearby designers, I could start to understand their creative thinking and understand their creative process, and how they approach problems.

After graduating, I start working as a Graphic Designer but having complete mindfulness that it wasn't what I want to do for the rest of my life. So, during the day I had a full-time job, and at night I continue my studies. The logic was, I already had a Design background, now I want a Business background and further a Technological background in order to fully complete the base of User-center Design: Design + Business + Technology = UX Design

After completing my Master Degree, I start teaching Design Thinking, User Experience, Interaction Design and User-center Design. This opened me a door to start to work as User Experience Designers until today.
This passion of been more delight on the journey rather than the destination, define who I am professionally. I am always researching and studying how the design field is evolving. Especially because technology is playing a significant role in shaping the future of design and is changing the way we think about design. With the emergence of AI-driven society, Machine Learning and Deep Learning have become a design decision. Aware of it, in 2016, I decided to take a PhD in Digital Media program at the University of Porto. We are living in a time where new principles for human-AI interaction are becoming urgent. With the PhD, I want to discloser how designers can shape decision-making knowledge to improve AI opportunities and how new design methods, such as Anticipatory Design, can add new perspectives to the field. Because, in the contemporary technological context, the touchpoints a designer needs to consider are growing in complexity.
My Journey
7+ years of experience
HUman-centered AI

User's don't care about Technology.

Your AI or ML solution needs to be configured to be more responsive to what a person wants according to their capacities, needs, expectations, and their environment.

Getting the Human-in-the-loop process right is essencial to build trust, drive adoption, increase value and reduce cognitive overload and improve usability.

UX Double Diamond

Gain knowledge of users, context and business KPIs.
Build user profiles on gathered data, produce materials that will aid the outlining of the project.
Create design specifications and evolve concept/wireframes into full design solution.
Evaluate design with stakeholders to obtain feedback, conduct usability testing and surveys.
During my process, I collect & analyze research about users.
I visualize data in actionable artifacts: personas, user flows, user journeys, blueprints, story & opportunity mapping, affinity diagrams. etc. to create the product vision.
Complete design and produce deliverables.
Evaluate, test, and select wireframe concepts for prototype development.
UX Consultancy
I can help you build engaging products that grow your business
UX Strategy
I can help your business with outside expertise to generate ideas, set priorities, or set direction for your project. I will help you to understand business goals, and then craft a plan or roadmap that best meets your requirements.
UX Research
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
UX Design
We develop strategy, conception, and ideology of the project, offer you a city-planning idea, create zones planning schemes.

I'm a data-driven designer with a huge curiosity for how futures technology will shape the design creation process.

I'm a hands-on implementer.
I care about the small details and enjoy constantly acquiring new skills and knowledge.

I lead the UX vision & implementation across the project's ecosystem.

How to shift your design process towards AI
Design debt: What is and how to overcome it
How can we build trust in intelligent automation?
Do you feel that your design process takes too long because designers must account for a jungle of features? If so, this article is for you.
If you are struggling to create the conditions for competitive digital experiences, this article presents the key component that holds the key to digital transformation — a Design System.
Trust is a relatively new design component in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies and it is essential to support the relationship between the user and the intelligent system.
Read all articles →

Why design with data?

Data is the bridge between subjectivity and objectivity in design and it is easier to define success in design by measuring it.
What it is and how can you overcome it.
Measuring the user experience is seeing whether design efforts actually make a quantifiable difference over time.
Measure and manage design performance with the same rigor as revenues and cost!
There are so many UX metrics in the field. What should I choose? The first step to choosing the right UX metrics is understanding your organization's objectives for your digital solution.
List and definition of UX methods to measure experiences
You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people. Design is made for people.
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